Tess McNamara

Full Name: Contessa Marie McNamara
Genus: Homo Sapien Sparsus
Place of Birth: Gaal City, Eastern Quadrant, Aurellia
Incept Date: Classified
Relatives: Jasper McNamara (father), Leeane McNamara (mother)

“My life has been a series of lefts; left the airline to join the GDF, Frank left me for my decision, GDF is all I have left.– Tess McNamara, Personal Dossier entry, GA-3-009.”

Tess was destined for greatness; showing excellent abilities in both Computer Sciences and exhibiting her Human+ talents early on as a teenager, she earned her spot in the rigorous Gaal Defense Force Program, where she excelled in every situation she was placed in.

After graduating The Program, she worked in the covert security program for Aurellia Intergalactic One as undercover protection for various dignitaries that visited Aurellia, Ardania and Ulna Organa. Leaving AIO under mysterious circumstances, she rejoined the GDF and has, for the last five years, been a part of various departments in Aurellia’s defense force, finally earning her a prestigious spot in the Terra Force One squad, using her skills and talents to great effect.

Tess McNamara is currently on classified operations with the Gaal Defense Force; her current whereabouts are unknown.

Military Rank: Corporal
Strength: Human+ Level; Exact limits classified
Stamina: Human+ Level; Exact limits classified
Combat Skills: Close Quarters Combat, Weapons, Special Tactics, Reconnaissance
Superhuman Strength & Agility
Human+ Skills: Human+ Intelligence Quotient
Psy-Spatial Transferrance
Affiliation(s): Terra Force One