Hand of Gaal Dossier

The Council of Gaal was created out of the ashes of the Primary Collective of Unified Planets (PCUP), of which was formed during the initial invasion of the Simian Soldiers well over 25 years ago. During The First Great War, Aurellia, Ardania and Ulna Organa were greatly damaged due to the Simian Soldiers’ advanced weapons and superior fighting technology. While Aurellia was the more technically advanced planet in regards to military power, it was Ardania’s logistical prowess and Ulna Organa’s nearly endless natural resources that also provided the cumulative support that made victory possible for all three planets– in doing so, each planetary council then realized that by working together interdependently, they would forever be stronger than they would have separately and on their own.

In a time of war, these valiant souls pooled their resources together and the first Council of Gaal was born. As the war raged onward, a collective of scientists, theologians, astrophysicists and astronomists devised a way to build a solar energy ray, reverse engineered from parts collected right from the battlefield and from much of the Simian Soldiers own warships, where many souls on all three planets lost their lives trying to repel this alien invasion– due to this marvel of technical ingenuity, this collective was instrumental in destroying the first ever Simian Soldier Starships, thereby saving a significant portion of their respective populations.

As a result of this newfound technology, the Order of Interdependent Technology Agreement was also signed; this agreement stated that all technical advancements as a result of the Great War would be shared with all three planets and that these new technologies would then be used as a beneficial tool for all. Aurellia was the first to implement their knowledge to their military might and in the ashes of what is now considered Undercity, a new technologically advanced city was born; this city was christened Gaal City, named after General Alan Gaal, as a living testament to the man who gave his life by firing the slightly damaged solar ray, destroying the first ever Psygen Majestrix motherships that hovered menacingly over their previous city’s atmosphere, and destroying nearly 20 city blocks with the resultant explosion; his second in command, Major Marlon Alcott was among the many others who lost their lives in The Great War as well.