This race of people are second only to the Gaalians in terms of technology and population; they have their own government, defense and legislative branches; on occassion their own parliament have at times clashed as members in the Council of Gaal, however when the time comes for swift actions, Ardanians are quick to both war and to peace. Many of their own race was lost in the Great War as well, so they know first hand the horrors of war.
Prefers also the older ways of defense, rather using special teams of highly trained, genetically enhanced beings, called the Fifth Vision, to defend Delovites’ interests in both it’s main city Denkhara, as well as it’s own outlying regions.
Their special forces teams are also highly skilled in the ancient martial arts skills and prefer hand to hand combat, although they do have a division set aside for aerial and land/sea based combat.
Their exact population is unknown, however it isn’t as large or as far reaching as Gaal. They are ruled by Emperor Mitsushito Yobe, one of the fairest and wisest men in his land. They have 3 representatives in the Council of Gaal.