Forrester Gallup

Full Name: Forrester Gallup
Genus: Homo Sapien
Place of Birth: Gaal City, Central Quadrant, Aurellia
Incept Date: Classified
Relatives: Caleb Gallup
(father, deceased),
Maria Gallup
(mother, deceased),
Sylvain Gallup
Occupation: Minister of Defense, Gaal City

“Politics and the military go hand in hand, there’s no separating them.”– Forrest Gallup Personal Dossier entry, EG-017.

Forrester grew up in a military family; his father was a General in the first Great War, and his mother supported him in wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps. After graduating Gaal City College with a double major in Political Science and Military History, he joined the GDF, working up in rank from Private to his current role as Minister of Defense for Aurellia.

While he is known as a no-nonsense military tactician and forward thinker in the Gaal Defense Force, he is equally revered and respected by the soldiers on the front line, as well as the politicians who dictate the future of Aurellia. A brilliant man in both times of war and peace, he has the confidence of the Prime Minister to do what needs to be done at any given time.

His position in Gaal City politics and military is so sound that he’s also been given one of the vaulted roles in the Hand of Gaal; these five souls are chosen to direct Gaal in times of crisis.

Military Rank: Classified / GDF Security Clearance 001
Strength: Forrester Gallup possesses the strength of a human Gaalian citizen; he is capable of near Human+ levels only via a GRI developed flexoskeletal suit, depending on the environment.
Stamina: Human Level; Exact limits classified
Combat Skills: Classified
Human+ Skills: Unknown
Affiliation(s): Hand of Gaal